The Role of Universities to Achieve Carbon Neutrality #7
Navigating Offshore Wind Power Expansion: Nurturing Ocean-based Wind Energy Management Experts through Industry-Academia Partnership
The Role of Universities to Achieve Carbon Neutrality #6
Reassessing the role of “Forest Resources” in achieving carbon neutrality: Measuring forests with the combination of drones, mathematics, and computer graphics
#Next Generation Researchers
Creating a Flourishing Society with Novel Cultivars of Fruits: Integrating Molecular Genetics, Statistical Genetics, and Data Science for Efficient Fruit Tree Breeding
Introducing Japanese Science Education to the World #2
Viewing a Diverse World through the Lens of Agriculture and Food: Enriching Global SDGs Education with Insights from Extensive Overseas Field Research
Introducing Japanese Science Education to the World #1
Nurturing Teaching Personnel for Multicultural Societies: High Schools-Universities-Graduate Schools’ Tripartite Collaboration to Develop Educational Programs in ASEAN Countries
#Next Generation Researchers
Unveiling the Truth of the Universe through Simulated Catalogs: Unleashing the Power of a Theoretical Telescope, ‘Supercomputer’
The Role of Universities to Achieve Carbon Neutrality #5
The Global Goal of Carbon Neutrality by 2050 (Part 2): A decarbonized society from a local perspective
The Role of Universities to Achieve Carbon Neutrality #4
The Global Goal of Carbon Neutrality by 2050 (Part 1): Universities as Agents of Change
The Role of Universities to Achieve Carbon Neutrality #3
Predicting Future CO2 Absorption and Emissions in Terrestrial Ecosystems: International Geostationary Meteorological Satellite Network for Accurate Estimation