Chiba University Hospital
LecturerThe causes of allergic diseases and autoimmune diseases remain unknown, and these diseases are incurable. My goal is to create a future where these diseases can be effectively 'cured' through multifaceted approaches. Specifically, I focus on elucidating (1) the mechanisms that induce and maintain Th2 cell differentiation in the body, (2) the role of autoantibodies, and (3) tissue-specific immune responses in autoimmune diseases.
Recent Topics of Interests:
1. Mechanisms of spontaneous remission in allergic diseases
2. The role of autoantibodies in autoimmune diseases
3. Action mechanism of the placebo effect
Motto in Research or in Life:
"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." ―George Bernard Shaw
Cooking, Listening to music, Reading, Spending time with my family and dogs.