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Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University
ProfessorMy research focuses on exploring various topics: the relationship between color and object surface perception and the recognition of spatial and lighting cues, the adaptivity of vision in different environments, the diversity of color vision, and the perception of skin color and texture. The ultimate goal is to unravel the mechanisms behind human visual information processing and apply them to engineering applications. To achieve this, I employ psychophysical techniques that involve presenting individuals with diverse visual stimuli and analyzing their responses and evaluation results.
Recent Topics of Interest:
The relationship between the color and distribution of lighting, and the overall appearance of objects. International comparison of skin color and texture recognition. The variations and diversity in color vision among individuals.
Motto in Research or in Life: The truth is out there. There's no such thing as luck. Que Sera, Sera.
Hobby / Holiday: Appreciation of Art, Movies, Theater, and TV Dramas